Classes & Private Sessions


Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday


From 7 to 11 years


Why choose Kenshiro Muay Thai?
Kenshiro Muay Thai offers a unique combination of training options to a wide range of students, from beginners to professional fighters. Our proven techniques are based on a fighting style that incorporates a strong foundation in boxing and an emphasis on good clinch work with lots of knees! Kenny will work with you in group classes and/or private lessons for a well-rounded regime.
I am not very fit, can I still train?
Muay Thai is a very demanding sport , but if you are not fit you will just start slowly at your own pace and gradually your fitness will improve. We do not expect you to necessarily show up fit, but we guarantee you will get fit!
Do women train?
Yes , there are many female students. Women train with us for different reasons, from fitness to self defence and also for competition.
Will I get fit/lose weight?

Muay Thai is a very demanding sport (we can’t say it enough), so you will definetly get fit, lose weight, build muscle, and at the same time you will learn how to defend yourself.

Will I get hurt?
It is very unlikely you will sustain any injury as a beginner, there is no pressure for you to spar or participate in contact drills.
What if i cant make the scheduled evening class time?
We have scheduled class to coincide with most people’s work hours, but of course everyone’s schedule is different. If you cannot make the evening classes maybe you should consider private lessons or even finding a friend to share a private lesson with, at a time that’s convenient to you.
I would like to learn self-defence, is Muay Thai the same?
Muay Thai is a martial art that is practiced as a national sport in Thailand, it therefore has rules and we teach you techniques that abide by these rules. If by self-defence you mean knowing how to protect yourself, feeling confident and in control of physical situations, then yes.
Is Muay Thai the same as kickboxing?
Muay Thai is a different martial art to kickboxing. It utilises a different fighting position, and includes certain moves not allowed in kick-boxing such as elbows, knees and low kicks. Muay Thai also involves a clinch which is not allowed in kickboxing.
I would like to train to fight in competitions, can you help?
As long as you are dedicated to willing to train hard we will help you with your fight. We have (and continue) to train people for professional fights.
I can only come to one or two classes a week, how long will it take for me to learn?
When it comes to martial arts, we are all students and there is always something to learn and room for improvement. The good news is that Muay Thai is very simple and fast to learn, as compared to other martial arts. Our focus on strong basics (rather than complicated forms or techniques) means that you can pick it up fast, but it will still take a lifetime to perfect!
I would like to continue my training outside of class times on my own. What do i do?
There is a lot different exercises that you can do on your own and it all depends on what areas you want to improve in: stamina, power, speed , flexibility? A good place to start is by doing regular jogging. The best time for this is first thing in the morning just after waking up. At the beginning do 30 mins 3-4 times a week and after 2 weeks of that regime take it up to 1 hour which will be around 8-12 miles. Just remember before and after your jogging you have to stretch your body.